Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Research Paper (Essay #4)

THESIS: Sex education programs in high schools should support abstinence but also teach children how to protect themselves from unexpected pregnancy. 

 Sex education classes (More of protecting against pregnancy, less on abstinence.)
  Teens are going to have sex.


  1. I like this topic =) I think that sex ed classes should encompass more than just don't have sex and more with how to deal with it if you do get pregnant

  2. This is a very intresting topic! I think that more teens now a days are having unwanted pregnancies.

  3. This topic is defff really good, i feel sex ed should be straight up and to the point, the real life sex ed...not the lightly sprinked version they teach us.

  4. good topic! looks like you've found some great facts and statistics already!

  5. Good topic. Definitely are two sides to this one. Sounds like you've got a good start on sources/info to back up your argument.

  6. This is going to be a great topic to write about, and you'll find a lot of information

  7. i am having trouble understanding the exact focus of your paper. Can you provide a clear thesis and plan of development?
